My Story

Miranda Balbino

Born and raised in Massachusetts, Miranda Balbino grew up in a Portuguese-American household. As a child, she developed an interest in traveling from hearing her mother’s stories of flying around the world writing for AAA’s travel column.

She graduated from Endicott College in 2024 with a Bachelor of Science in Communication. In college, Miranda pursued a semester in Florence, Italy, to become a student of the world and grow personally and professionally through real-world experiences. Since this experience, she decided to pursue a career internationally. In August, Miranda will be back to Florence to work for Smart Trip Europe to assist student travelers on their journey abroad.

When she isn’t planning her next adventure, this pop-culture junkie is most likely binging a new movie or book. Tik Tok has become a fun platform that Miranda has utilized to share her adventures and passions.

Photography has always been a constant part of her documenting her life growing up with “Facebook parents”. Writing is a new outlet she is exploring through blogging as a digital diary.

To learn travel tips or read about her adventures abroad continue to the blog!

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